Maurizio Oliviero

CESAR President and Legal Representative.
University of Perugia Dean.

Francesco Martella

CESAR Director
Research Doctor in Sustainable Rural Development, enrolled in the Order of Doctors of Agriculture and Forestry of which he held the position of President of the Order of Perugia and of the Umbria Federation from 2017 to 2021.
Risk management expert in agriculture and rural development policies, expert in design and provision of training courses in the agri-food and rural development field. He has collaborated with CESAR since 2002 and in recent years he has carried out his activity in close contact with the management to promote the development lines of the association and the growth and competitiveness of the agri-food sector. He follows development projects related to product and process innovations, rural, local development and environmental protection projects.
He carries out organizational consultancy activities with primary focus on Umbrian and national agricultural system.
He collaborates with the main specialized magazines of the agricultural world on the themes of risk management in agriculture.

Laura Rondoni

Training Department Manager, Quality and Accreditation Manager
Graduated in Political Sciences, she attended a post-graduate course in European Politics. After an internship at CESAR in 2000, she continued the collaboration, particularly acquiring skills in design, delivery and management of training courses and integrated projects of active employment policies. She collaborates with the other departments, in particular for the design of european activities and information and dissemination actions. She is the referrer for the Quality Management System and accreditation.

Alessandra Antognelli

Head of Community Information Department and Europe Direct Umbria Desk
Graduated in Agricultural Sciences, she began collaborating with CESAR in 2002. Expert in communication projects on EU policies and European Project Planning, she deals with local development projects, in particular with the design and implementation of information and dissemination actions. She coordinates the activities of the Europe Direct information desk and relations with the European Commission Representation in Italy. She is the press contact.

Eliana Cerasa

Head of the Administrative Department
Accountant, she has been working with CESAR since 1995 for administrative, accounting and personnel management. Expert in financial management and reporting of training projects, and other types of projects financed with EU and national funds.

Antonello Polticchia

Graduated in Political Sciences, with a thesis inspired by the experience of CESAR, he has collaborated with the structure since 1988, supporting the management, the administration office and the various departments. He participates in the provision of training projects, as tutor for the macrotypologies of continuing and higher education.